

Explore and enhance your passion and advocacy for literacy and improve your K-12 students’ ability to read.

你对儿童识字有热情吗? Designed for certified teachers or those who are eligible for certification, this post-bachelor certificate in literacy education is focused on enhancing student reading abilities. Through this program you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to be certified as a reading specialist, 识字教练或阅读老师.

In addition to your core of nine credits in professional education, 你将完成21学分的识字核心课程, a three-credit capstone master's research paper/project or thesis and three elective credit hours. The program is highly experiential and requires extensive interaction with students one evening per week through a two-semester reading clinic.

  • Take some masters courses online and some that are a blend of on-campus and online learning. 晚上提供面对面的课程.
  • Complete courses that lead to advanced certification as a reading specialist.
  • 在弗罗斯特堡或USM@Hagerstown上学习课程.
  • Enroll in a masters program that is accredited by National Council for 认证 of 老师 Education – NCATE.




  • Complete a clinical degree portfolio that is structured around the five standards of reading professionals established by the International Reading Association and serves as a record of growth during your reading master's program.

  • 加入Phi Delta Kappa, the international education fraternity that furthers the objectives and training of educators in the Cumberland-Frostburg region and the neighboring tri-state area.

  • 参加诊断挑战的阅读诊所, evaluates the abilities of students and works with those students to improve their reading levels.

  • Complete an action research project to assess reading skills in a specific class or group of students, 制定阅读策略来提高技能, prescribe and implement a reading program and follow up by analyzing results.







You will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to be certified as a K-12 reading specialist, 文学的教练, reading teacher or instructional coordinators (also known as curriculum specialists). Instructional coordinators oversee school curriculums and teaching standards and develop, 实施和评估教学材料. They evaluate the effectiveness of curriculums and teaching techniques established by school boards, 州, 或者联邦法规. 这些专业人士在课堂上观察老师, 查看学生考试数据, discuss the curriculum with the school staff and recommend changes in curriculums to the school board based on their research. Instructional coordinators also may conduct training for teachers related to teaching or technology, explain new learning standards to teachers and demonstrate effective teaching methods to achieve them. 美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates job growth of 13% through 2022 for instructional coordinators who specialize in reading. This is slightly higher than the average growth expected across all occupations.


Throughout the program you'll complete a core of literacy courses including such areas as children's literature, 阅读困难的诊断与纠正, organizing and administering a reading program and foundations of teaching reading. Through a weekly reading clinic that meets for two semester you'll diagnose reading difficulties, assess reading skills of students whose parents want them to receive extra support, 和这些学生一起提高他们的阅读水平.

12学分, online Post-bachelor certificate in 素质教育 is developed from four courses that exist within the current Master of Education degree, 特别是在扫盲教育方面.  This certificate is specifically designed to provide a pathway for those candidates who hold a bachelor’s degree in early childhood, elementary or secondary education to meet the endorsement requirements for reading teacher according to COMAR 13a.12.03.06.

Students who successfully complete the Post-bachelor certificate may continue in the M.Ed. 攻读扫盲教育硕士学位.


Our education curriculum and instruction concentration graduates have gone on to a variety of successful careers in regional and national school systems.


  • 主要
  • 老师
  • 教授


  • 马里兰州公立学校


拥有国家认可的学术课程, 真实世界的学习经历, 一流的支持系统, 和繁荣的澳门十大赌城官方网站, 弗罗斯特堡州是一个你可以发现自己的地方, 确定你的目标, 为你的未来做好准备.

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